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About Neely Tucker

Neely Tucker: A Prolific Novelist, Speaker, Author, and Journalist

About Neely Tucker

Neely Tucker is a renowned novelist, journalist, author, and speaker based in Washington, D.C. His diverse body of work encompasses thrilling novels, thought-provoking journalism, and captivating speaking engagements.

Author of Captivating Novels

Tucker is the author of the popular Sully Carter novels, including "The Ways of the Dead." His gripping narratives and complex characters have captivated readers worldwide, earning him critical acclaim.

Renowned Journalist

As a staff writer for The Washington Post, Tucker has covered a wide range of national and international events. His incisive reporting and insightful commentary have garnered respect from readers and colleagues alike.

Author with a Vast Bibliography

With 12 books to his name, Tucker has amassed over 11,433 ratings on Goodreads. His most popular work, "Love in the Driest," has received widespread attention and acclaim.

Accomplished Speaker and Author

Tucker is a sought-after speaker, sharing his insights on writing, journalism, and current events. His engaging presentations and captivating storytelling abilities leave a lasting impression on audiences.
