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Joe Biden Trump

The Race for the White House: Who's Ahead in the Polls?

America's Next President

The Economist is tracking the contest to be America's next president. With the 2020 election just months away, the race is heating up, and the polls are a key indicator of who is ahead.

Polls Show Biden With a Lead

As of today, the polls show Joe Biden with a lead over Donald Trump. A recent poll by ABC News/Washington Post found Biden leading by 9 points, while a poll by CNN/SSRS found Biden leading by 14 points. These polls suggest that Biden has a strong lead over Trump, but it is important to note that the polls can change significantly over the course of the campaign.

Factors That Could Affect the Election

There are a number of factors that could affect the outcome of the election, including the economy, healthcare, and the candidates' personal attributes. The economy is a major concern for voters, and if the economy worsens, it could hurt Trump's chances of re-election. Healthcare is another important issue, and if Biden can convince voters that he has a better plan for healthcare, it could help him win the election.

The Final Stretch

The final stretch of the campaign is always the most important, and the candidates will be doing everything they can to win over voters. Biden will likely focus on his experience and his plans for the country, while Trump will likely focus on his accomplishments and his attacks on Biden. The election will be a close one, and the polls will continue to be a key indicator of who is ahead.
